to Feb 26
The Devil (더 데빌) - MUSICAL
The Devil is back for its 4th season in Seoul!
공연기간 2021년 12월 10일(금) ~ 2022년 02월 27일(일)
공연장 드림아트센터 1관
Directed by Song Yongjin (송용진).
X-WHITE: 박민성, 고훈정, 백형훈, 조환지
X-BLACK: 김찬호, 박규원, 장지후
JOHN FAUST: 이승헌, 배나라, 이석준
GRETCHEN: 여은, 김수연, 이지연
GUARDIAN: 유민영, 서채이, 신윤재, 조민호, 이설아

to Nov 26
Meisa's Song (메이사의 노래) - MUSICAL
Meisa’s Song (메이사의 노래) is a new musical produced by the Korean Army (R.O.K.A.). It was directed by the great Gina Lee and KPOP stars Chanyul (찬열) from EXO, 엘 from Infinite,and 정대현 of B.A.P! I also had the pleasure of collaborating with music director 김문정!